
8fit family

8fit is a health and fitness app for Android and iOS devices. It offers workouts, customized meal plans, and self-care guidance to users. 8fit’s goal is to inspire and help people to live a healthier lifestyle.

See Prototype Read more

Project Background


The scope of this fictitious project scope was to integrate a new feature to an existing product. 8fit was used as an excercise for how to work within an existing brand. The feature aims to help users incorporate healthy habits into their daily routines and stick to it.


User Research, UX and UI Design


80 h


Market Trends, Competitor Analysis, User Interviews

The health, fitness, and wellness economy is widespread. In 2019 the Global Wellness Institute estimated the healthy eating, nutrition, and weight loss market at $702 billion. To gain insights into the industry, I started the project with market research and analyzed possible competitors.

competitor analysis of 8fit

To get a clearer picture of the functionality and features of 8fit as well as the competitors, I created a feature matrix.

8fit Lifesum Myfitnesspal WW Lumen Platejoy
Meal tracking
Calorie intake tracking 1
Macronutrients tracking
Meal planning 2,3 3
Customized meals (portion size, etc.) 4
Shopping lists 2
Activity tracking 5
Meditation & mindfulness training

1 WW tracks not calories but uses a point system which give each food item a certain amount of points
2 Predefined meal plans are available and come with a shopping list
3 Recipes can be saved and used for meal tracking, meal tracking feature can be used for planning as in Lifesum
4 Recipe suggestions are daily provided
5 Activities are tracked indirectly, before and after each workout the devices is used to measure the breath, these measurement point are named

I followed up with user interviews. To gain more knowledge, I talked with four users of health and wellness apps, two of which use 8fit. Their motivation, needs, and frustrations they are facing was of particular interest to me to find opportunities to improve the current 8fit experience.

  • most users work towards a goal but are not willing to give up on tasty food since it is essential for a balanced life
  • apps help to make eating habits better visible and form new ones
  • users plan their meals mostly before visiting the grocery store
  • everyday meals need to be quick and easy to prepare
  • effortless ways to track/ plan meals
  • tasty recipes that are quickly prepared and need a reasonable amount of ingredients
  • reminder and incentives to stay on track
Pain Points
  • to reconcile reaching a weight/fitness goal with cooking for a family or partner is difficult
  • leftover ingredients and resulting food waste is a problem


How Might We, Personas, Golden Path

Within every problem lies an opportunity. I used the gained insights as a starting point for a How Might We exercise. As a first step, I framed the problem space in more detail. I have followed by generating as many "How might we"-questions as possible. Then I picked three of these questions and thought about possible solutions.

It is essential to know whom you design for. The seemingly best idea might be a waste if it does not fulfill your user's needs. Therefore I created a persona based on the user interviews - Sandra Miller.

Persona Sandra Miller

With the persona and the outcome of the HMW session at hand, I defined the Key User Journey. The so-called Golden Path illustrates the ideal user flow through a product. It focuses only on the primary path through a product. This helps to stay concentrated on the relevant parts of an already existing product. See the detailed Golden Path

Golden path


Wireframes, UI Design, UI Kit

In the next step, I created wireframes to integrate the new feature into the structure of the available app. I started with reproducing the current app design and afterward modified the screens. My goal was to integrate the new family feature with a minimum of modification in the UI. Seemingly small changes can have a significant impact on a product.
Since development teams are often very busy, I aimed to incorporate components already in use. I introduced as few as possible new elements to reduce the effort for developers and keep the design system tidy.
Apart from that, I attempted to integrate the feature seamlessly into the existing user flow. The fact one is part of a family account should not significantly change how the food planning works.


Afterward, I created the UI design. Here I paid attention to maintain 8fit's visual language. For the onboarding screens, I chose images that go well with the existing food imagery.
To make it easier for the users to identify which family member is eating a particular meal, I decided to use recurring colors. In combination with the user's initial and profile picture, the colors serve to quickly recognize family members.

The UI Kit summarizes all used components and styles. It holds a combination of pre-existing design elements that I extracted from the app and newly created components. See the detailed UI Kit

UI kit



UI designs can only implicitly communicate the way users interact with a product. Prototypes can help to make the implicit explicit. This helps in coorporation with stakeholders and developers alike. Therefore, I create a prototype.


User Testing, UI Design & Prototype Iteration

Eventually, I used the prototype to conduct a usability test. I ran the test remotely, containing three tasks to solve for the participants.

  • Setup process: add a family member.
  • Meal planning: plan your meals for Saturday, add all family members that join the meals.
  • Portion sizing: find how big a portion each person gets from the soaked oats with orange.

Overall most users were satisfied with the feature and its integration into the 8fit app (on average 3.9 on a scale from 0 to 5). Interestingly, the test participants with lower satisfaction were not 8fit users. One of them described the user flow as not intuitive, although he directly solved all three tasks with one of the lowest percentages of misclicks.
I used a Feedback Grid to gather and organize the user feedback.

With the feedback ready, I iterated over the UI design and improved the prototype. See the updated prototype here

Final Prototype

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